Fast Relief for IP Infringement


International Trade Commission Section 337 Investigations

The U.S. International Trade Commission can block the importation of articles into the U.S. that have been found violating patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets.

For IP Owners:

Are cheap, imported knock-offs killing the market for your IP-protected products? If so, the ITC can stop those infringing products at the border and save your business. The ITC can block importers even if we cannot locate the specific source of the goods.

To explore the possibility of filing a Complaint in the ITC, contact Bycer & Marion to discuss the benefits and requirements of litigating in the ITC.

For Practitioners:

The ITC can be a challenging forum to litigate, even experienced IP litigators, if unprepared for the speed and quirks of the ITC. Bycer & Marion’s extensive experience in the ITC can be your guide through the process, maximizing potential advantages in the Commission’s procedures and law, while avoiding common pitfalls.